Loft conversions in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire

Loft conversions Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire


Please find a selection of commonly asked questions regarding Loft Conversions and Loft Conversion Work.

Q1. Can I get a free quote

Our quotes are all free and are valid from the quotation date for three months unless a contract to carry out the conversion is signed within this time, and then the quotation is valid until the completion of the conversion.


Q2. Is my roof high enough for a conversion?

The highest part of your roof must be over 2.3m. Total re-roofs are possible, and we carry out several a year, but they are subject to planning permission. Roof Rooms will take care of any planning applications.


Q3. Will I require planning permission or building regulation approval?

Guidelines for Permitted development

Only around 1 in 10 loft conversions require planning permission, but all loft conversions require building regulation approval. In October 2008, the planning laws were relaxed, and all houses now have separate permitted development rights for the roof space.

At Roof Rooms, we determine the status of your property and make all the correct applications on your behalf.

Under permitted development, you are allowed 40 cubic metres additional roof space for terraced houses and an extra 50 cubic meters for detached or semi-detached houses.

Dormers are allowed to the front and sides of property without planning permission.

Materials should be in keeping with the existing house.

No verandas, balconies or raised platforms, except for Juliet balconies

Side-facing windows need to be obscure-glazed; any opening to be 1.7m above the floor

Dormers are not permitted in national parks and the Broads, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, conservation areas and World Heritage Sites without planning permission.

Roof extensions, apart from hip to gable ones, to be set back, as far as practicable, at least 20cm from the original eaves

Please note that any previous roof space extensions must be included within the volume allowances of 40 and 50 cubic meters.

For more details about planning permission go to the link below.


Q4. Can I convert my trussed rafter roof?

Yes we are experts in this field.


Q5. Will I have to move out of the house during the building works?

The construction of your loft conversion is carried out from the outside, all materials are taken into the loft through the roof, and the only time we are working in the habitable part of your home is when we fit the staircase at the end. It is not necessary for you to move out of the house during construction.


Q6. Will the work be supervised?

All our work is supervised the Md. Jon Fitch This gives you the opportunity to discuss any alterations you may wish to have during the construction of your new room.


Q7. Is your work guaranteed?

All the work carried out by Roof Rooms carries our company guarantee of ten years. As we are members of the guild of master craftsmen you have the option to take up additional cover if you wish.


Q8. Can I have a part conversion so I can complete the works myself?

We can provide a part conversion package that includes planning, and building regulation approvals, the structural floor, stairs, and dormer/Velux. This is a package which enables you to complete all the internal works yourselves or use your own contractors to complete the conversion.

If you have any further questions please contact us direct